Sunday, January 23, 2011


.....being pregnant and a mom to a one-year-old and working full-time are not conducive to me keeping up Finn's blog.  Talk about some HUGE mama guilt!  It's certainly not from a lack of things to post - his first birthday, Christmas (his second, but what kind of felt like his first!), weeks of not sleeping (literally Finn thought that morning started anywhere from 2:30-4:30 a.m.), pulling up on everything and cruising around, babbling up a storm, taking an interest in body parts, officially starting daycare (not just visiting) and having every bug under the sun (that comes along with starting daycare)....there is lots to share!  

For me, being pregnant sucks the life and energy right out of me.  It's actually quite impressive that this time around I am making it through the day without yawning every 5 minutes.  But by the time Finn is in bed (around 6 p.m. no less) I am completely exhausted and find it hard to do anything but sit on the couch and fall asleep.  And the nausea.....ugh.  All I have to say is thank goodness for Diclectin!  Without it I would be a complete mess.  So the reality is this - I don't do much but go to work, eat, sleep and be a mom.  My friends know not to call after 8 p.m. (and even that is pushing it!).  Don't get me wrong - we're incredibly excited about the arrival of this new little one (around July 12, 2011), the growing of little ones just exhausts me!

But enough about me.  Our Finny Mac is sick AGAIN.  This, after spending most of November with the daycare-green runny nose.  After having diarrhea his second week at daycare.  After having a nasty fever for a week over the Christmas holidays at which time he also seriously cut back on his food and drink intake causing him to lose about 2 lbs.   After going to the doctor in early January and getting a prescription for Amoxicillan and getting hives and finding out it really was from Amoxicillan all those months ago.  After today, waking up with goopy, runny ear infection.  Sigh.  More antibiotics.  I'm thinking this time he's gonna kick it and kick it good!  Because (a) that's what antibiotics do, and (b) he has to, plain and simple!

The funniest part of my day was giving Finn his first dose of his new antibiotic.  I was a little concerned because I didn't know if he would like the taste.  He had this drug when he was just a wee thing and they were trying to heal his abscess with antibiotics.  He reeeeeeeeeeeally didn't like it that time and it seemed to upset his tummy.  But then again, he was barely 2 months old.  Tonight I squirted the pink stuff into his mouth and was promptly met with the sign guessed it, "more!".  What a guy.

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