Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A New Bum

Yesterday Finn had his surgery....and what a superstar he was!  After all of the stress about the likelihood of him being hungry (since he couldn't eat after 530 a.m. and the surgery wasn't until 1130 a.m.) he hardly even whined the entire morning.  Thank goodness for Daddy James who held and entertained Finn the entire time we were waiting for Finn to be taken down to the OR.  My job was to stay out of Finn's line of vision and not talk so that he didn't know that food was nearby.  My one regret of the entire day is that we didn't bring our camera to the hospital.  There were some incredibly cute moments as James was holding Finn and showing him the very cool animal stickers on the walls....and when Finn was wearing his little hospital gown (absolutely adorable!).

The surgery was much shorter than we thought and before we knew it we were in recovery with our little man.  The Children's Hospital has truly done an incredible job at making a potentially scary place as kid-friendly as possible.  From a plethora of toys in the waiting room (including 2 Wii's, and XBox 360, a big train set and everything from baby toys to teen games) to kid-friendly pictures painted above the beds in recovery and designs painted on the ceiling tiles to the availability of movies to watch while waiting to be discharged.....of course Finn is too young to appreciate all of these efforts but James and I thought it was all pretty incredible (and hopefully Finn doesn't ever have the opportunity to appreciate these efforts!).

The longest part of our day was waiting to talk to the surgeon.  She said that the infection was very superficial and she got all of the puss out - WOO HOO!  And the likelihood of the infection coming back is teeny-tiny.  We will go back to see Dr. Scott in a month but she thinks everything will be just fine.

In our neighbour Becky's family, they were given a bravery gift if they ever had to go through surgery or stay in the hospital.  James and I thought that Finn has been very brave through all of this abscess business so we bought him 'Splish' for all of his efforts.

Here is our little man all passed out after we got home.....socks on hands and Baby Legs on arms since our furnace isn't working properly and it's been a little chilly in our house.  :(

And a couple of little war wounds - bruises on each hand from IV lines....check out the chub on his wrists!

Oh yes, and for the record Finn weighed in at 18 lbs yesterday.  I'm thinking that Aunt Debbie, Uncle Jonathan, Big Cousin Mia and Big Cousin Charlotte had better start lifting weights if they're going to hold him when we visit this summer!

1 comment:

Jill said...

So glad to hear his surgery went well! What a superstar, he looks great!