I've been thinking about how I haven't posted much lately. And then yesterday Finn and I had the day to ourselves. The ENTIRE day. I started thinking how absolutely wonderful it felt...and how it felt like I couldn't remember the last time we had a whole day with nothing scheduled. I looked at our calendar and this is what I saw:
You will notice that so far in June there is writing on every single day [except last Sunday when James worked on the flooring with the help of his wonderful father and I worked on the garden with the help of his wonderful mother who watched Finn for us!] until yesterday. Who scheduled THAT?! I'm thinking we'll be a little more cautious in our scheduling from now on because the last few weeks have been pure craziness! It's not that I want to stay home all day, every day. Certainly not. I just like having days where nothing is scheduled and we're free to do our own thing if we want to. It was getting to the point that I wasn't looking forward to certain things - like meeting up with other moms and babes for a walk started to feel like a chore when that is usually one of my favourite things! So from now on - a little less scheduling, a little more relaxing and a whole lot of enjoying this precious time with the Finnopotamus.
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