Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nail in the Eye!

After spending the weekend in Leamington (Finn and I managed to sleep through the tornado), I decided it was time to cut Finn's nails.  He and James were snuggled up on our bed so it seemed like good timing....baby entertained, another adult to help hold the flailing hands....clip, clip, clip, clip - CRRRRRRYYYYYY!  I thought I must have cut his finger but when I looked, his finger was fine.  Hmmmm....as I continued cutting the remaining nails (and Finn continued crying) we noticed that Finn wouldn't open his eyes.  And his left eye had tears coming out of his little closed lid. :(  When he finally did open his eye - there it was.  A stray nail clipping.  Oh the panic!  What can you do???!  You can't exactly stick your finger in his eye to get it out...   As he blinked it started to move to the corner of his eye and I was convinced it was going to somehow go behind his eye or somewhere where we couldn't see it.  Deciding that flushing his eye was his best option, James held Finn over the sink while I poured water in his eye.  After the flushing it appeared as though the nail clipping was gone.  Of course, I was still freaked out and thought it had somehow migrated behind an eyelid or something so I did what any other freaked out Ontarian mother would do and called Telehealth.  The nurse was incredibly kind and calm - 'It's just one of those crazy things.  You can't exactly avoid cutting his nails can you?'.  She, of course, suggested that we go to the hospital to get his eye checked out, because that's what the computer suggests when something 'sharp' goes in your kid's eye.  James promptly asked me what they were going to do at the hospital - 'Look at his eyes with special baby eye instruments?'.  Hmmmm....point taken.  So we stayed home - even though it was incredibly hard to resist the urge to rush him down to the hospital.  An hour later the incredible urge had past and I just looked at James and said, 'That was really scary.'  James replied with a very wise, 'He's probably going to have a few things like that in his life.'  Oh dear.  How very, very true.

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