Sunday, April 18, 2010

Worry, worry....paranoia?

As a parent I am finding that I worry much more than I ever thought I would.  I'm a pretty easy-going person and figured I would handle parenthood much the same way I do most things in my life - easy-peasy, let things roll off your back.  I know about child development and I know that every child develops at a different pace.  This knowledge does not stop one from becoming concerned that my baby hasn't discovered his hands yet or hasn't started to laugh yet or.....any one of a number of things (of course, he's done all of these things at this point so those worries are history!).  The other part of worrying tends to be about the future.  After writing the 'Flash Forward' post I started to think/worry about all of the things that could happen that would mean that Finn cannot play basketball or do whatever it is that he wants to do.  This isn't a new worry. It pops up every once in awhile.  You spend months and months being pregnant and worrying about the safe arrival of your baby.  He arrives and is healthy and beautiful and safe....and it is just the beginning!  

We love him soooo much and right now he loves spending time with us - we're his favourite people in the world!  Obviously it won't be this way forever....but what if we annoy the heck out of him and he never wants to hang out with us when he grows up?

What if he gets a serious illness?

What if he gets into a serious accident?

....worry, worry, it normal to worry this much?


Jill said...

Totally normal to worry that much. And I have no idea when it's going to stop! Ask your parents ;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mel but it doesn't stop. You will always worry, but if he finds a great wife like you your worriess will lesson some.
Cheers Linda

Mel said...

Good to know Jill...

Awww...thanks Linda!