Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Flash Forward

For those of you who are LOST fans (and I think Karen is the only one I've actually told about the blog at this Aunt Kiki this is for you!), you will know all about flash-forwards and flashbacks and flash-sideways' (flash-sidewayses??  what is the plural?).  Tonight I had my very own flash-forward.  It was something that took me completely by surprise.  I think that every parent imagines what their child(ren) might be like as they grow up.  I guess at this point I am just very much in-the-moment with Finn and loving every little bit of what he does every day that I haven't really thought about it.  He just amazes me with what he does now so I can hardly begin to imagine what he might do in the future.

As I was walking Oscar, there was a boy (10 or 12 years old) playing basketball with his friends/siblings.  The basketball net in his driveway was one of those adjustable jobbies and he adjusted it 2-3 times as Oscar and I were walking up the street.  At the base of the net was some kind of sandbag to help anchor the net.  The boy finished adjusting the net, jumped off the sandbag, grabbed the rim, hung there for a quick moment and then softly landed on the ground.  All of the sudden I started to think about how that could be Finn 10 years from now.  And the thought completely amazed me.  It is not out of the realm of possibility.  Our baby boy could do anything!  Wow.

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