Friday, September 17, 2010

A Few of Finn's Favourite Things

Finn has always had preferences about a few things - toys and books he likes, books he doesn't like.

Here is our current list of his top 5:

#1.  His soother (well, any of the Avent soothers that we own) - this one definitely belongs at the absolute TOP of the list.  We don't leave home without it.  But for Finn, it's not only a soother - as in that thing you suck on to soothe yourself - but also a toy.  He stuffs it under blankets and pulls it out again.  He throws it away from himself and then he leans over to reach it or gets up on all fours to try and get it back again.  He shares it with us (which he thinks is hilarious) and Oscar (which we do not think is hilarious) and more recently, other babies (instead of them attempting to steal it).

#2.  A close second is probably the soother strap.  You know, the thing that connects the soother to a baby's clothes so that it doesn't hit the floor when it pops out of his mouth when you're out in public?  As soon as he sees it he gets excited - smiling, arms waving, grabbing at it, crying when we won't let him hold onto it.  Again, it's not just a soother strap for Finn.  He loves to try and pull it off of his clothes (and is often successful) and then wave it around in the air.  The only problem with this game is when he hits himself in the head with the metal part that clamps onto clothes....that only ever ends in tears.

#3.  The book 'Totty'.  This is a book that one of my nieces picked out for Finn.  It's about a baby turtle digging up through the sand and making his way down to the sea.  It has been a favourite of his since he was a newborn.  Initially I was convinced it was because all of the turtles have really big eyes that are black and white.  While he is well past the point of only looking at black and white things this book is still sure to put a smile on his face.

#4.  The drumsticks from his Bee Bop Band set.  It doesn't really matter which one, and again, this is a thing he has loved for months now.  He loves to wave it around in the air or tap it on the floor.  It sounds best when it hits hard flooring....just in case you didn't already know.  ;)

#5.  A pair of Joe Fresh pajamas.  Finn and I were perusing the baby boy clothing section at the Superstore when I saw a pair of pj's that looked awfully cute.  They have all different trucks on them and there kind of a funky texture - like velour, but not really (because velour kind of icks me out).  Finn loved them at the store and I thought that since he needed some pj's in the next size up anyway, we might as well buy them.  When we got home I hung them on the doorknob of the linen closet in the hall outside of his room (not sure about the logic, but nevermind!).  For the next few days, every time we walked past (which is quite a few times between diaper changes and naps) he would see the pajamas, smile and reach for them.  Now they're in our bedroom to be used as a toy when we need him to be entertained while we are getting dressed or brushing our teeth.  A pair of pajamas.  Who needs real toys???

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