Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mr. Crankpot

Last week was a looooong week.  This picture pretty much sums it up:

           (even if it was taken when he was less than 3 weeks old!)

Finn was cranky the entire week.  Every-breath-ending-in-a-whine kind of cranky.  Let's-get-out-of-the-house-or-I-might-just-go-crazy kind of cranky.  The good news is...the storm cloud has lifted and our baby boy is back to his regular cheery self.  Well, for the most part.  Finn has now decided that he doesn't really like to fall asleep.  As in he flails and cries and screams at us while we're trying to put him to sleep.  We're not entirely sure why this has suddenly happened - is it teething?  Is it because he is learning so much and is so much more aware that he doesn't want to miss out on anything?  Is it because he doesn't think he's tired and doesn't want to go to sleep?  Who knows.  We're not really big fans of this phase but it IS getting better.  The last two nights he's gone to sleep without screaming at us....HOORAY!  Although last night we did have a middle of the night cry-fest, here's hoping that tonight we make it through without any kind of crying - fingers crossed!!!

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